Category: Aligner Lifestyle

Category: Aligner Lifestyle

Your Special Day Celebration with Aligners

Your special day is very important be it a birthday or anniversary or wedding day. These occasions are always heartwarming and memorable. You click pictures and make videos to keep and share memories for lifetime. To celebrate such big occasions where so many people will come for the celebration and the spotlight will be on […]

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Teens and Aligners

Teenagers are usually more concern about their looks and overall appearance hence, taking traditional braces treatment may cause their self-esteem to lower. Aligners are best option in such cases. Teenagers are in the growing phase, they need proper nutrition for their growth. In traditional braces treatment, there are many diet restrictions which may affect the […]

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Bruxism and Aligners

Bruxism is severe grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw. Bruxism can occur due to abnormal alignment of the jaw, intense concentration or situational anxiety. Many people have the habit to grind or clench their teeth from time to time. This often happens during sleep or during stress. Bruxism can cause worn, chipped, […]

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Diving in Pool with Aligners

Can you wear aligners while swimming? Yes you definitely can wear aligners while swimming! Clear aligners are molded to your unique teeth, which means they are designed to fit snugly on your teeth. So you don’t need to worry about them slipping out. Chlorine Water or salt water do not impact on your custom made […]

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