Best dental aligners in Pune?

Pune! Pune has got it all. It is city of reputed Universities and Institutes. There are tremendous options for the clear dental aligners. The most popular dental aligners in pune are:


Invisalign uses a system of clear aligners that are custom-designed based on shape of your teeth. They are made from plastic, these aligners gradually move your teeth into position by exerting minimal pressure.

If you are looking for a minimally invasive, invisible way to straighten your teeth, clear aligners may be for you. Clear aligners, like Phialigner, are designed to invisibly correct crooked and irregularly gapped teeth. The aligners can correct under bites on teenagers and adults.

Clear aligners have advantages over traditional braces. The biggest advantage is that they are invisible, which means no one other than you and your dentist will know you are straightening your teeth.

  • Straighten Your Teeth

Clear aligners straighten your teeth faster than traditional braces. The treatment can complete within 10 to 12 months. Clear aligners straighten your teeth by moving them into their correct position.

  • Comfortable and Removable

Clear aligners are very comfortable. Easy to remove, eat and drink. They are more comfortable than traditional braces. The material is smooth and flexible.

  • Less Dentist Visits

Traditional aligners gradually move your teeth into their correct positions with the sets of aligners. Each aligner tray should wear for about two weeks. There are lesser dental visits as the sets of aligners are ready. You can change after 15 days to the next stage.

  • Improve Your Dental Health

Improve your dental health by maintaining oral hygiene. Always brush and floss your teeth twice daily. Use interproximal brush to clean the contacts between the teeth. Use tongue cleaner. Aligner treatment is always good option than braces as you can maintain your oral hygiene during the treatment.

We at Phialigners provide best dental aligners at affordable price.
We provide free video consultation. (Click here for free video consultation).
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