Bruxism With Aligners

People with Bruxism grind their teeth or clench of their jaws unconsciously and excessively during day or night, which occur due to abnormal alignment of the Jaw or situational anxiety. This condition occurs in both adults as well as children’s.

Grinding of teeth involves the chewing motion in which the upper jaw teeth rub against the lower ones, while clenching is when a person holds their upper and lower teeth together and clenches the muscles without movement of teeth in back forth movement.

The possible Cause for Bruxism:

Bruxism can be caused during day time as well as night so classified as:

Awake Bruxism which is caused due to emotions such as stress, anger severe tension and frustrations
Stress: Stress in main cause of bruxism in adults e.g. You gather lots of notes while preparing for a meeting which takes hours to imagine tough feedback that remembering the meeting before bed could leave you grinding your teeth all night long.

  • Lifestyle Habits: Caffeine causes anxiety as well as stress which often leads to grinding of teeth.
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking or consuming caffeine or people struggling to manage stress disorders such person are prone to bruxism.
  • Anger: Some people do not express their anger they sometimes feel the best way is to keep the words inside and stay silent. In such condition people are likely to clench their teeth or tense their muscles around the jaw.

Sleep Bruxism is caused grinding of teeth during asleep. In this condition people are unaware of their grinding of teeth which leads more harm to their teeth and jaw.

  • Certain medications for anti-anxiety or anti depressant medications can also cause bruxism.
  • Tooth placement: Missing tooth or improper alignment of teeth can lead to grinding. To keep your jaws aligned the jaw muscles work hard all day and when they spasm at night, grinding begins.
Teeth worn off due to Bruxism


Many people have the habit to grind or clench their teeth knowingly or unknowingly from time to time. This often happens during sleep or person having stress.

Bruxism can cause:

  • Tooth surface worn off
  • Chipped, or cracked teeth which ultimately leads to loosening or loss of teeth.
  • Frequent habit of grinding your teeth may cause jaw disorders such as jaw clicking and jaw pain.
  • Bruxism can cause severe tooth pain or sensitivity of teeth due to tooth enamel worn off which cause exposing of deeper layers of your tooth.
  • Tooth Fractures
  • Bruxism also leads to sleep disruption along with headache.
  • Some people do experience ear pain due to TMJ Pain which is the referral pain

Bruxism with aligners:

Clear aligner can truly relieve the symptoms of TMJ disorder.
Clear aligners actually create a cushion between your teeth, like a night guard as a protective barrier. Wearing your clear aligners for at least 20 hours a day including during sleep, this helps to protect your teeth from the effect of grinding.

The clear aligner must be worn as instructed- all day, every day and should only be removed during meals and brushing and flossing.
If you’re worried that teeth grinding will destroy your aligners during your treatment, you should know that there is a chance it will wear down your aligners faster if the bruxism is severe. Aligner trays get damage more frequently in bruxism patients because these patients bite down more frequently than the average person because the aligners get being pressed more consistently into place. This doesn’t cause any change in treatment as patients are instructed to wear a given set of aligners for two weeks or so. That is you have to change your aligner sets after every 15 days. Even is the aligners set wear off before you are supposed to move onto your next set of aligner ,a replacement aligner set can be made for you.

While many people grind their teeth excessively at night, others grind and clench during the day due to stress. No matter when you tend to grind your teeth aligners can act as a protective barrier during treatment against damage caused by bruxism. If you grind your teeth when you’re awake, your aligners will make you more aware of the behaviour and they may help you curb or eliminate your teeth grinding when you experience stress.

Aligner facts to keep in mind

  • Aligner protect your teeth from grinding while aligning your teeth at the same time.
  • Aligners adjust your teeth permanently
  • Aligners minimize the jaw pain
  • Aligners can reprogram the muscles that are involved in teeth grinding

When teeth are aligned properly, the jaws will open and close freely without suffering any pain. The pressure on the jaw joint is relieved, preventing inflammation, soreness and irritation.

We at Phialigners provide best dental aligners at affordable price.
We provide free video consultation. (Click here for free video consultation).
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