Effective ways to treat forwardly placed teeth

Forwardly placed teeth also known as overjet is a condition in which the upper front teeth protrude outward.

Methods of correction

  1. Traditional Metal Braces
    When you think of orthodontic treatment you immediately think of those metal braces which are widely used. They use individual metal brackets and arch wires to move teeth in position. Each bracket is fitted onto the tooth’s outer surface and the archwire is slotted into these brackets. The arch wire straighten your teeth into using light force from elastic bands. It slowly moves your teeth in desirable position.
    Metal brackets are made of stainless steel and the arch wire is made of a mix of nickel, titanium and copper. The elastics used come in different colors and you can choose according to your wish. Metal brackets are slightly bulgy and can be uncomfortable until you get habituated with it.
  2. Ceramic Braces
    Ceramic braces are alternative to the metal braces as they are less likely visible. They use ceramic brackets and ceramic wires which are tooth colored making them invisible from a distance. Each bracket is placed on individual tooth and the wire is placed. Ceramic brackets are as strong as the metal brackets.
    Ceramic brackets are made of polycrystalline alumina that perfectly blends in with the natural teeth, which is why they are more popular. Ceramic braces tend to stain more easily, so proper care should be taken while brushing and flossing the teeth. Dark beverages like coffee, tea should be avoided.
  3. Lingual Braces
    Lingual braces are hidden braces as they are placed behind the teeth facing towards the tongue and roof of the mouth. They are less visible than the traditional braces which are placed on the outer surface of the teeth. Lingual braces work precisely the same as traditional braces and are made of the same material.
    You have to avoid hard and sticky food as the braces may break. Lingual braces can cause discomfort to the tongue and can be a bit painful as the tongue constantly comes in the contact with the braces. They can cause some difficulty in speech until you get used to it.
  4. Clear Aligners
    Clear aligners are the invisible alternative for traditional braces and has become more and more popular over the course of time. They are in the form of trays which are made of strong plastic material. They are custom made for each individual and are crafted to move your teeth in the desired position. They are comfortable to wear and easy to remove, also painless and do not cause ulcerations.
    Aligners are easier to clean and good oral hygiene can be maintained as they are removable. You should remove your aligner before your meal and place them back after your meal. You should not drink any beverages with aligners placed inside your mouth as they may get stained. You need to wear a set of aligner for 15 days and then proceed with the next stage. You need to wear aligner for at least 22 hours in a day.

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