How to fix Bunny Teeth?

Smiling makes you feel alive, beautiful and confident. Smiling can improve your day and even the people you are surrounded with.

Due to Malalignment conditions some people are conscious about their smile. To give your confidence a boost you need to correct the malalignment and one such case of malalignment is bunny teeth also known as overbite.

Let’s first understand,
What is bunny teeth?

Upper front teeth that protrude out over Lower front Teeth are commonly referred to as Bunny Teeth or Buck Teeth

What can cause bunny teeth?

Maybe it is Hereditary
Jaw Shape or Other Physical Features can be passed down through generations.
o Childhood Habits
It is a habit of pushing your Tongue forward between the Upper and Lower teeth when you Swallow. It usually results in malocclusion known as open bite but sometimes it can also cause your upper teeth to protrude.

Thumb sucking
Every child has the habit of Thumb sucking and everyone has heard their parents warn them that sucking your thumb will make your teeth grow irregularly. And what they said is true.
Such behavior often stops between the age group 2-4yrs but in severe cases it may lead to dental problems or speech problems.

Sucking on Pacifier can cause overbite the same way that of thumb sucking. On the contrary use of Pacifier is at higher risk of getting malocclusion than of Finger or Thumb Sucking.

o Tumor or Cysts of the Mouth or Jaw
The swelling caused by the tumor or cyst can change the shape of your mouth, jaw and can also change the position of the teeth. Growth of tumor or Cyst in the upper jaw can cause your teeth to move forward giving you bunny teeth appearance

How can we correct it?

• Habit Breaking Appliance
There are number of habit breaking appliances such as:

-Blue Grass Appliance
This appliance is used in the cases of finger or thumb sucking. This is the least intrusive appliance and easy to wear and tolerate

-Palatal Crib
This appliance is used in thumb sucking and tongue thrusting cases. This appliance are more aggressive than Blue Grass Appliance. It blocks the finger/thumb and prevents the child from sucking on it.
The crib acts as a barrier to prevent the tongue from thrusting forward.

• Functional Appliance
Functional Appliance are devices which are used to correct the bite. It is used to develop arches and to move upper or lower jaw forward. For, over 100 years these appliance is used to improve facial aesthetics. One of the functional appliance which can be used is Twin Block.
-Twin Block
This appliance is designed so that the each time you bite, swallow or talk, the appliance is activated.
Twin Block Appliance Consists of:
Base plate
Bite Block
Wire Components

• Braces:
Traditional wire braces and retainers are most common treatment for bunny teeth
Braces are of two types,

  1. Metal Braces
    These contain metal brackets with metal wire which are attached to teeth to gradually move the teeth in straight line.
  2. Ceramic Braces
    These Braces contain ceramic brackets with ceramic wire which is tooth color and hence invisible. These braces are more popular.

• Clear Aligner
These are Tough, Clear Plastic Aligners that are used to Straighten Teeth. Several sets are especially molded. Every Aligner is slightly different for each person. Each set is worn for two weeks before being replaced with the next one.

We at Phialigners provide best dental aligners at affordable price.
We provide free video consultation. (Click here for free video consultation).
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