Is it possible to switch from braces to aligner?

It is possible to switch from braces to aligner-Some patients do want to switch midway through fixed braces appliance to a more cosmetic system that’s aligners.

Regardless of the treatment modality just remember it’s not just the braces or aligner that’s treating your teeth, it is the doctor’s skill that determines the success of a treatment.

 Reasons for switching to Aligners:

There will be no doubt in functionality of braces as they are best way to align teeth.

But as adults the visibility of braces is the main reason to matter more for patients.

Another thing that can be hard to deal with ongoing braces treatment is some of the food restrictions for eating such as hard and sticky food.

Regular braces are painful and slightly uncomfortable as sharp edges of the brackets do prick the gums and lip tissues.

Are Aligners Worth It?

If adapting braces been difficult then Aligner attachments are what you need.

  • Since aligners are removable you get to eat all kinds of your favourite foods They are invisible to the eyes and are the best choice you will be able to smile wide without being self-conscious.
  • It helps to easily maintain oral hygiene as aligners are removable so you can brush and floss your teeth regularly.
  • They are very comfortable as no sharp edges which might hurt your oral tissues.
  • They give faster results as compared to traditional braces.
  • Most important you get the video simulation and see the results even prior your start of aligner treatment.
  • Less visit i.e. with braces treatment you have to visit dentist regularly for wire change and adjustments but with aligners sets are given and you don’t have to visit dentist on regular basis.

Procedure switching to Aligners:

The steps to get aligner treatment as follows:

  • Your dentist will scan your teeth and bite by intraoral scanning or recording the impressions.
  • Treatment plan will be shown to you in a video format prior the treatment start.
  • If happy with your treatment you will receive the first set of your aligners. If any attachments on tooth required will be placed by the dentist.
  • After every 15 days you will have to change your aligner sets accordingly.

You should know before Considering the Option:

If you want to switch to aligners there are things we need to know:

  • Aligners can’t do all the movements that braces can accomplish.
  • But by the advance techniques this is also possible if planned properly from beginning.
  • There are some limitations for aligners too such as rotation more than 20 degree or tilted more than 45 degree.
  • Consider the cost its little more compared to traditional braces depending its mild moderate or severe case.

Aligner treatment in teenagers is always better due to their permanent dentition.

It’s an advantage in young patient opting aligners as intervention is done quickly and changes are seen in very short span of time.

We at Phialigners provide best dental aligners at affordable price.
We provide free video consultation. (Click here for free video consultation).
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