Retention Protocol in Aligner Treatment

Retainer help to keep the teeth in place after the treatment, as new bone begins to grow around the teeth which will help to stabilize it. It takes quite some time to remodel the bone.

The duration of retainer normally is 12 months but it can extend up to 18 months depending on the complexity of the cases.

Retainers used can be as follows:

• Bonded

These are bonded permanently to your teeth. Advantages of these retainers is, they can last for years if maintained properly and you don’t need worry about it getting lost as they are permanently bonded to your teeth.

• Removable

As the name suggests these can be removed at will. These are of two types,
-Removable Hawley wire retainer: these are removable and adjustable retainers which makes it easy to customize to the patient this retainer can be tightened or repaired.
-Removable clear plastic retainer: These retainers resemble clear aligner trays because they are tin, clear and fit securely over the teeth. These retainers are invisible, comfortable.

• Modified

These have modified warp attached to the retainer. This is use when the malalignment is caused by habit hence these retainers have habit breaker attached to it. Example if the habit of tongue thrusting has caused misalignment of the teeth the retainers have cribs attached to it which helps in both habit breaking and also keeps the teeth in place.

Care to be taken

  • During this time period very hard or crunchy food or the food that takes significant amount of time for chewing must be avoided.
  • Brush and floss around your permanent retainer. The wire can accumulate food and plaque, so oral hygiene is important.
  • Always keep your removable retainers in retainer case when you are not wearing them.
  • it must be removed while having meals or they may break. If you are wearing Essix or clear retainer it is also important to remove it when having beverages as the liquid and sugar may get stuck between your retainers and teeth causing your teeth to decay.
  • Do not store your retainers in hot places like your car or drink hot beverages as the retainers may warp, which will affect the fit and may result in teeth shifting.
  • Carry your retainer with you to your dental appointments so your dentist will make sure it is still in good shape and it fits correctly.

We at Phialigners provide best dental aligners at affordable price.
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