Psychosocial Development and Aligners

Psychological factors influence a patient’s perception of irregular teeth and treatment plan. Aligners treat such irregular teeth painlessly and without being visible to others.

Psychosocial theory

Internal psychosocial factors with external social factors leads to psychological development.

Orthodontics has benefits of well-being and health, but most important effect- makes patient feel better about themselves. Psychological outcome is as important as functional and occlusal outcome. Face is most important factor in physical appearance, major motivation is to enhance the aesthetics of face and dental arch.

Psychological implication of malocclusion

• Low self-esteem- psychological handicap imposed by unaesthetic dental appearance. When you are not satisfied with the way you look your self-esteem automatically goes down. Your confidence decreases and you are always self-conscious about the way you look or smile. With clear aligners you can get your teeth corrected and you do not have to be embarrassed about those metal brackets and wires. As clear aligners is invisible your self-esteem will gradually develop as the treatment progresses and once the treatment is done you can smile big and confident.

• Restriction of social activities

Children who have irregular teeth are often made fun of when they go out to play on the ground or in school making them timid. As they develop they become anxious about their own appearance and smile making them antisocial. Clear aligner treatment will help you straighten your teeth and you don’t have to worry about them being visible. It will give your children confidence as their teeth get straighten discreetly.

• Adverse occupational outcomes

People who did not get their teeth straighten at younger age are always hesitant about getting them straight in adult age because of the visibility of the traditional braces. They are shy or embarrassed about their smile but being an adult and working as a professional they do not want to get those unattractive braces hence, clear aligners will give you your desired results by being invisible to the onlookers making you more confident in your work

Clear aligners help you boost your self-confidence and gives you a comfortable treatment phase. It is also easy to maintain good oral hygiene with clear aligners. You have to wear them for 22 hours a day and keep them in the aligner case when you are not using them. Clear aligners also give faster results.

We at Phialigners provide best dental aligners at affordable price.
We provide free video consultation. (Click here for free video consultation).
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