Open bite correction

Open bite can be corrected with the help of braces or aligners, but first let us understand, why there is need to correct open bite?

• Aesthetic purpose: People with open bite may not be happy with their appearance and may feel like they are sticking out.
• Speech: Open bite may interfere with your pronunciation, as many people with open bite develop a lisp.
• Difficulty in chewing: Open bite causes difficulty in biting and chewing food.
• Tooth wear: Open bite can cause tooth wear and other dental problems such as fracture.
• Difficulty in swallowing: It can also cause difficulty or pain during swallowing.

Methods to correct open bite


Braces are effective, convenient and affordable method for correction of open bite. They work by helping shift the teeth and prompt the bone to change its shape which in turn gets the teeth in desired place there are several braces option:

Metal braces-They contain metal brackets and metal wires. Treatment proceeds by posterior teeth intrusion (intrusion is the movement in orthodontics where a tooth is partially moved into the bone) and anterior teeth extrusion (extrusion is displacement of a tooth out of its socket which makes it appear longer).

Ceramic braces-Ceramic braces have ceramic brackets and ceramic wires which are tooth colored. They are often invisible from a distance. They work similar to the metal braces and are, as strong as them. They are likely to stain because of the material so care must be taken by brushing after every meal.

Lingual braces- These are also known as hidden braces as they are placed on the inner surface of the teeth facing the tongue. These braces are less visible and are perfect for people who don’t want the braces to be visible.
Braces are extremely reliable and gives beautiful results.

Clear Aligners

Aligners is a new method developed alternative to the braces and are used to help guide your teeth into position. These are made of plastic trays which help shift the teeth in small increments. They use light force for tooth movement, but without brackets and wires.
Clear aligners are removable hence, it is easier to brush and floss your teeth. Clear aligners are easier to keep clean and are less likely to irritate your gums or cheeks. You need to wear them for minimum 22 hours a day. These are great alternative for those who want a straight smile but do not want their braces to be visible.

We at Phialigners provide best dental aligners at affordable price.
We provide free video consultation. (Click here for free video consultation).
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